Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 6

We received 5 letters today. It appears he's moved on from anger to bargaining. Each letter was an articulate plea for us to give him one more chance. He highlighted all the people who would miss him, even including the teachers who'd worked so hard to get him through this year...and begged us to let him come home and go to therapy here.

Earlier in the day, I had found a few surprises in his closest-- an empty vodka bottle, and one of my kitchen knifes. Not a little paring knife--but an 8 inch fillet knife. I can't imagine what it was doing there, but if anything convinced me we;d done the right thing, finding that knife did. Perhaps there's an innocent explanation, but I can't think of one.

His therapist says he seems to be settling in, and has made a good start by associating with the kids who are "working the program" rather than the "hard nuts" who are resisting. So, although he may not be on totally on board yet, he's at least moving in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad he took the time to write you. He's not ignoring you. That's a good sign.

    I would have been freaked had I found that knife. It would have reaffirmed my decision as well.

    Stay strong!
